What is Blood?

Facts About Blood

What is Blood?

Blood is a fluid that presents in a body of human beings and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It transports metabolic waste products away from those cells. Fluid connective tissue is composed of plasma and blood cells. pH value of normal blood is 7.35 to 7.45. An adult person has 5 to 6 litre blood in his body.

What is blood

  • Functions of Blood:-

Blood performs many important functions in the body. Some of the important functions are as follows –
  1.  Blood supplies the oxygen to the tissues.
  2. Blood supplies the nutrients like glucose, amino acids, fatty acids.
  3. Blood removes waste products such as carbon dioxide, urea and lactic acids.
  4. It also does immunological functions like circulation of white blood cells, detection of foreign materials by antibodies.
  5. In case of bleeding, conversion of blood into a semisolid gel to stop bleeding.
  6. It repairs the broken blood vessels.
  7. It also does messenger functions like transport of hormones and signaling of tissue damage.
  8. Blood also does hydraulic functions.
  9. It also regulates the core body temperature.

So, these are the important functions of blood.

Classification of Blood:-

Blood is classified into four blood groups. These are - Group A, Group B, Group AB, Group O.

Blood Group
   Can Give Blood to Groups
Can Receive Blood from Group
O, A, B and AB
A and AB
O and A
B and AB
O and B
O, A, B and AB

What is Plasma?

Blood Plasma is pale or yellowish liquid component of blood that is transparent and it constitute about 60% volume of the blood. It holds the blood cells of the body. Plasma is composed of 90% of water, 7% organic substances and 1% inorganic substances.
Plasma carries out various functions in the body. It protects the body from infection and diseases and also prevents other blood disorders.

What is Red Blood Corpuscles?

Red Blood Corpuscles or Red Blood Cells (RBC) are cells that circulate in the blood and carry oxygen throughout the body. RBC are non- nucleated and contains hemoglobin.

What is White Blood Cells?

White Blood Cells or WBCs are also called leukocytes. WBCs are an important part of the immune system of the body. WBCs are colorless, nucleated and granular. These cells help to fight against infections by attacking bacteria, viruses and germs. WBCs are mainly originate in the bone marrow and it circulate throughout the bloodstream.

What is Hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is iron rich protein molecule that situated in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and in return carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs. A healthy person should have 12 to 20 grams hemoglobin in every 100 ml of blood. Protein that is found in hemoglobin are metalioprotein and globulin. The Cofactor of hemoglobin is heme (4). The fundamental or key function of hemoglobin is to ship oxygen. Hemoglobin has an oxygen capacity limit of 1.34 mL O2 per gram.

What is Blood? What is Blood? Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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