How to Write a Report Writing | Steps to Write a Report

-:Report Writing:-


Whenever we write about an event we have studied or observed, we are, in fact, giving a report. We gather information and, in our report, we pass it on to others in a very clear and easily intelligible way. Reading it, the readers at once get an idea of what is reported.

In your examinations you may be asked to report on some events, sports, academic seminars, business and economic affairs, scientific issues and experiments, speeches and cultural events. 

A news report gives us much information in a little space. By reading news reports in the newspapers, we see that most reports about an event tell us who was involved or appeared to have been involved, what actually happened and when, where and why it happened. 

Thus it is seen that reporting an event is a form of composition in which a statement of facts relating to a particular incident is given. 

The most important characteristic of this form of composition is that it contains no personal comments of the reporter. Herein lies the main point of difference between reporting on the one hand and writing private letters or paragraphs or essays on the other.

Some practical hints on reporting an event:-

A.      Avoid misrepresentation of facts.

B.      Don’t give any wrong information.

C.      Don’t exaggerate facts.

D.      Avoid unnecessary details.

E.       Don’t write anything based on your conjecture or imagination.

F.       Don’t express your own views.

G.     Avoid repetition.

H.      Add no comment of your own.

I.        Avoid round-about way of expression.

J.        Give a suitable heading or title.

Steps for Report Writing:-

There are many different types of reports, including event, incident, sports, business, scientific and research reports, but the basic steps for writing report are the same. 

These steps are outlined below.

Step 1: Decide on the 'Terms of reference'

Step 2: Decide on the procedure

Step 3: Find the information

Step 4: Decide on the structure

Step 5: Draft the first part of your report

Step 6: Analyze your findings and draw conclusions

Step 7: Make recommendations

Step 8: Draft the executive summary and table of contents

Step 9: Compile a reference list

Step 10: Revise your draft report

So these are the some hints or steps and tips for good report writing.

Thank you.

How to Write a Report Writing | Steps to Write a Report How to Write a Report Writing | Steps to Write a Report Reviewed by Exam Canvas on December 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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