What is Language - Importance of Language

What is Language?

Language is the human ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication and a particular language like Hindi or English is a specific example of such a system. The scientific study of language is called Linguistics.

What is Language - Importance of Language

What is Language - Importance of Language

The main characteristics of language are:-

                   I. Language has the properties of productivity because it is able to communicate about things that are not immediately present. It totally depends on social convention and learning.

                 II. Its complex structure affords a much wider range of expression than any known system of animal communication. It helps in communicating an individual’s thoughts, expressions, emotions, feelings etc to others.

               III. It helps a person to make sense of complex and abstract ideas and concepts. It helps to preserve and maintain historical, cultural and civilization related records.

 The factors affecting the language development process are Social factor, Educational factor and Biological factor.

The Elements of Language:-

The elements of language are as follows:

   I. Phonology: It refers to the sounds of a language.
  II. Semantics: It is the study of words and their meaning.

 III. Grammar: It refers to the rules used to describe the structure of a language, which involves rules that specify how words are combined to form sentences.

 IV. Pragmatics: It is the study of how people use language to communicate effectively.

Importance of Language:-

The importance and role of language are given below:

a) Carries our thoughts: Language is the vehicle or carrier of our thought. We think through language. Thought is called sub-vocal speech. The thinking procedure is upset if the individual has inadequacy in language.

b) Medium of Expression: Language is the medium of expression of an individual’s feelings and experiences, expressed through signs, gestures and speech.

c) Medium of Communication: An individual communicate with others through language. Language has also become a major tool of communication between countries, many cultural groups, various companies and organization, communities and friends.

d) Moral Development: When the child is about 18 months old, it learns what is right and wrong by listening to what its parents or other adult persons tell him. Language is the code of our consciousness and it helps us to see what we may be agreeing to and creating in our world.

e) Developing Personality: Language helps in developing and grooming the child’s personality as a whole.

f) Human Developmental Process: A baby is born without language, but even without formal training, by the age of five, the child knows several hundred of words and grammar of a particular language. Any discrepancy seen in learning language at an early stage might indicate certain biological problems in a child.

g) Child’s Growth: During a child’s development, language plays an important role. learning language is legitimately identified with enthusiastic turn of events.

h) Basis of Education: Language is the basis of all types of education. School education is predominantly language oriented. Reading, writing and arithmetic are all based on language proficiency.

i) Medium of Literature: Language is the medium of literature. All great literacy works are produced through the medium of language. Language thus helps a child to read literature, understand and appreciate the work of great writers and poets etc.

What is Language - Importance of Language What is Language - Importance of Language Reviewed by Exam Canvas on May 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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