Vijayanagar Empire

Vijayanagar Empire (1336 – 1646 A.D.)

The foundation of the empire of Vijayanagar in 1336 A.D. constitutes a great event not only in South India in particularly but also in the history of India. It was founded because of the political and cultural movement against the Tughlaq authority in the south. Harihara I and Bukka I, two of the five sons of Sangama, founded the empire of Vijaynagar during the period of Muhammad Bin Tughalaq.

Vijayanagar Empire

Vijayanagar Empire

Useful Information of the Vijayanagar Kingdom

1.       Founders:                        Harihara I and Bukka I

2.       River:                                Tungabhadra

3.       Sultan of Delhi:               Muhammad Bin Tughalaq 

4.       Ruled by:                          Four dynasties

a)      Sangama dynasty (1336 – 1485)
b)      Saluva dynasty (1485 – 1505)
c)       Tulava dynasty (1505 – 1570)
d)      Aravidu dynasty (1570 – 1646) Approx.

5.       Enemy:                              a) Bahamani Kingdom
                                            b) Gajapati dynasty of Orissa
                                            c) Sultan of Madura
                                            d) Hoyshala ruler of Mysore

      6.   Modern days location of the Vijayanagar City: Hampi, Karnataka.

      7.    Time Period:                       1336 – 1646 A.D.

      8.  Capitals: 
                         a) Anegondi ( Sangama dynasty )
                         b) Vijaynagar ( Primarily Sangama and  Tulava dynasty )
                         c) Chandragiri ( Saluva and Aravidu dynasty )
                         d) Penugonda ( Aravidu dynasty )

      9.  Currency:          Varaha (Gold Coin) and Pagodas.

   Sangama Dynasty:-

   Harihara I:

ü  First Ruler of the Sangama dynasty
ü  Laid the foundation of the city of Vidyanagar (City of learning) in the honour of his mentor Saint Vidyaranya, later known as Vijayanagar (City of victory)
ü  Conquered Hoyshala Kingdom.

   Bukka I (1356 – 1379):

ü  The war with Bahamani kingdom was started during his reign.
ü  First Vijayanagar ruler who sent an envoy to China.

        After that Harihara II (1379 – 1404), Devaraya I (1406 – 1422), Devaraya II (1422 – 1446), Vijayaraya II (1446 – 47), Mallikarjuna (1447 – 65), Virupaksha II (1465 – 85), these are the rulers of the Sangama dynasty.

 Saluva Dynasty:-

 Narshima Saluva , he ruled Vijayanagar from  Chandragiri.

Taluva Dynasty:-

 Vir Narshima (1505 – 1509): He was the founder of Taluva Dynasty.

Krishnadeva Raya (1509 – 1530):

ü  Greatest of all the rulers of the Vijayanagar empire.
ü  He took the title of “Yavanrajya Sthapanacharya” and “ Abhinava Bhoja”.
ü  Wrote “Amuktamalyada” in Telugu and “Jambavati Kalyanam” in Sanskrit.
ü  His court was adorned by “Asthadiggajas” (the eight Telugu Poets).
ü  His most notable military achievement was the recovery of the Raichur Doab from Bijupur.
ü  He defeated the Gajapati king of Orissa.
ü  Famous temple like Hazara Ramswami and Vithalswami were built during his time and a city called Nagalpura, in memory of his mother, Nagamba.
ü  Krishnadeva Raya was considered as the last powerful Hindu ruler of India.

 Achyuta Raya (1530 – 1542):

  Portuguese traveler Fernano Numiz visited his court.

 Sadashiva Raya (1543 – 1569):

ü  Last ruler of Taluva dynasty.
ü  He was only a titular sovereign, the actual government was controlled by Rama Raya who became the undisputed master of the whole of Vijayanagar empire.
ü  Battle of Talikota (1565) took place during his reign.

   Aravidu Dynasty:-


ü  Founder of Aravidu dynasty.
ü  He was the brother of Rama Raya.
ü  He shifted his capital to Penugon.

  Venkata II:

ü  He was the most important ruler of this dynasty.
ü  He shifted his capital to Chandragiri.
ü  During his time English and Dutch Company established their factory in the East coast of India.

   Sriranga III:   

He was the last ruler of the Vijayanagar Empire.

 Revenue Administration:-

  Land revenue from the crown lands was the most important source of revenue. Land revenue known as sist was the principal source of income.


 There was a well organized and efficient standing army. The army had four divisions, Infantry, Cavalry, Elephant Crops and Artillery. The military department in the Vijayanagar empire was called the Kandachara. The head of the military department was Dandanayaka or Dannayaka (Commander-in-Chief).

Trade and Commerce:-

 The principal articles of exports were cloth, rice, iron, saltpeter, sugar, and spices, and the imports into the empire were horse, elephants, pearls, copper, coral, mercury, china silks and velvet.


 The religion of most of the kings was Vaishnavism. The Hanuman symbol on the coins of Harihara and Bukka, of Venkatesha and Balakrishna on those of Krishnadeva Raya, of Garuda in those of Achyuta deva Raya and of Varaha in those of Tirumala signifies that all of them were the followers of Vaishnavasim.


Vijayanagar Empire Vijayanagar Empire Reviewed by Exam Canvas on May 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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