Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology


The term Biology was coined by Lamarck and Traviranus in the year of 1802. It is the science which deals with the study of different aspects of living beings like structure, activities, interactions, evolution, etc. It has numerous branches. Biology has three main branches – Botany, Zoology and Microbiology. Apart from these there are various branches of biology. 

Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology

Some of the branches are discussed below:-

1.       Morphology:-
It is the Study of form and external structure. It is also called external morphology. Study of internal structure through anatomy and histology is then called morphology.

2.       Cytology:-
It is the study of cell structure is allied cytology.

3.       Cell Biology:-
It is the branch of biology that studies different aspects of cells and their components like structure, organization, chemistry, functions, genetics and development.

4.       Histology:-
It is the study of tissues with the help of microscope. For histological studies, the tissues are placed in chemicals called fixatives. Fixatives kill the tissues.

5.       Ecology:-
It is the study of inter-relationships between living organism and their environment. There are two main branches. Autoecology or Species Ecology – It is the study of reciprocal effect of environment on every stage of population/species. Synecology or Community Ecology – It is the study of reciprocal effect of environment on a community in its composition, organization and development. Based on habitat, ecology is of several types , likes marine ecology, fresh water ecology, desert ecology, grassland ecology etc.

6.       Taxonomy:-
It is the study of classification, nomenclature and identification of organisms.

7.       Evolutionary Biology or Organic Evolution:-
It is the study of origin of life, variations and formation of new species from pre-existing ones.

8.       Embryology:-
It is the study of fertilization and development of a zygote into an embryo, larva, metamorphosis and a miniature adult.

9.       Palaeontology:-
It is the study of fossils (remains, tracks or impressions of ancient forms) and their distribution in rocks of various ages. It has two branches- Palaeozoology and Palaeobotany.

10.   Exobiology:-
It is the study of possibility of life in the outer space.

11.   Pathology:-
It is the study of diseases, effects, casual agents, transmission and other activities of pathogens is called pathology.

12.   Eugenics:-
It is science that deals with factors influencing hereditary qualities of a race and ways of improving the same by modifying fertility of different categories of individuals. Eugenics is of two types, negative and positive.

13.   Euphenics:-
It is the treatment of defective heredity through genetic engineering.

14.   Euthenics:-
It is the study of environmental conditions that contribute to the improvement of intellect and other traits of human beings.

15.   Ethology:-
It is the study of animal behavior in natural habitat.

16.   Ethnology:-
It is the study of distribution, relationship and origin of different races of mankind.

17.   Immunology:-
It is the study of components of immune system, immune response, development of immunity, immunotherapy and immunotoxins.

18.   Cryobiology:-
It is the study of effects of coldness on organisms including their preservation.

19.   Biogeography:-
Geographical distribution of different organisms in various parts of the World. 
It is for two types – a) Zoogeography- Distribution of animals on earth. b) Phytogeography – Distribution of plants on earth.

20.   Agrobiology:-
It is the quantitative science of plant and flower life and plant nutrition.

21.   Anatomy:-
It is the study of internal structure.

22.   Angiology:-
It is the study of blood vascular system including arteries and veins.

23.   Andrology:-
It is the study of male reproductive organs.

24.   Anthropology:-
It is the study related to origin, development and culture of present and past races of humans.

25.   Apiculture:-
It is the study of rearing of bees.

Branches of Biology Branches of Biology Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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