Powers and Functions of the State Legislature

Powers and Functions of the State Legislature

Powers and Functions of the State Legislature:-

Powers and Functions of the State Legislature
Powers and Functions of the State Legislature

1.   1.    Legislative Powers:

The legislature of a state is empowered to frame laws on all matters included in the state list. Normally the legislature enjoys exclusive jurisdiction in this field. It can also make laws in respect of subjects concerned in the Concurrent List. But, in this case, its jurisdiction is not exclusive.

2.   2.    Financial Powers:

The state legislature also controls the finances of the State. Here, the Legislature Assembly hold a supreme position in case the State has bicameral legislature. Apart from the expenditure charged on the revenues of the State all proposals for expenditure must be submitted to the Legislative Assembly in the form of demands for grants. The Assembly may pass or reject a demand or reduce the amount. It cannot increase a demand for grants similarly, no tax can be imposed without the approval of the Legislative Assembly.

3.  3.     Control over the Executive:

The Constitution has introduced the Parliamentary system of Government at the Centre as well as in the State. Consequently the real executive authority of the State i.e, the Council of Ministers has been made collectively responsible to the Legislative Assembly. Thus, the Legislature can exercise supervision and control on the ministry. Besides, the legislature can pull up the Council of Ministers and expose its mistakes at action or policy through questions, budget debates, adjournment motions etc.

4.  4.     Money Bills:

A Money bill can't be introduced within the legislature. It can be introduced in the Legislative Assembly only and on the prior recommendation of the Governor. Every such bill is considered to be a government bill and can be introduced only by a minister. State Legislative Council can delay a Money Bill for the maximum period of 14 days.

5.  5.     Summoning:

   The Governor from time to time summons each house of State Legislature to meet. The maximum gap between the two sessions of State legislature cannot be more than six months.

6.   6.    Quorum:

Quorum is the minimum number of members required to be present in the House before it can transact any business. It is ten members or one tenth of the total number of members of the House (including the presiding officer), whichever is greater.

7.   7.    Dissolution:

   The Legislature Council, being a permanent House, is not subject to dissolution. Only the Legislative Assembly is subject to dissolution. The position with respect to the lapsing of bills on the dissolution of the assembly is mentioned below:-

a)      A Bill pending in the assembly.
b)      A Bill passed by the assembly but pending in the Council lapses,
c)       A Bill pending in the Council but not passed by the Assembly does not lapse.

Powers and Functions of the State Legislature Powers and Functions of the State Legislature Reviewed by Exam Canvas on May 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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