Quizzes for CTET Exam

Quizzes for CTET Exam

1.        1. Development can be described as growth in –
a)      Cognitive state
b)      Physical state
c)       Social state
d)      All of the above

2.  2.   Which of the following is not correct about meaning of development –
a)      It is a series of changes as a result of maturity
b)      It is a series of changes as a result of experience
c)       It is a mere progressive series of changes
d)      None of the above

3.  3.  The feeling of shame and pride develops in which stage?
a)      Infancy
b)      Childhood
c)       Adolescence
d)      Adulthood

quizzes for CTET exam

Quizzes for CTET

4.  4.  Which of the following is not the aspect of the child development?
a)      Physical development
b)      Social development
c)       Cognitive development
d)      Maturity

5.  5.  Early childhood period is –
a)      Sensitive to language development
b)      Crucial for maturity level
c)       Meant for learning through the forced behavior
d)      Is complex in terms of growth and development cognitively

6.  6.   The age group of 6 to 11 years falls under –
a)      Early childhood
b)      Pre-natal age
c)       Later childhood
d)      None of the above

7.  7.  In which of the stages children become active members of their peer group?
a)      Adolescence
b)      Early Childhood
c)      Adulthood
d)      Childhood

8.  8.  The best strategy to examine the growth and development of the child is –
a)      Psychoanalytic strategy
b)      Comparative strategy
c)       Development startegy
d)      Statistical strategy

9.  9.    Development starts from –
a)      Post childhood stage
b)      Pre natal stage
c)       The stage of infancy
d)      Pre childhood stage

    10. What are the factors related to learner that affects the learning?
a)      Physical and mental health of the learner
b)      Level of aspiration and achievement motivation
c)       Readiness and will power
d)      All of the above

    11. Cognitive development means –
a)      Development of intelligence
b)      Development of Child
c)       Development of physical skills
d)      Development of individual

    12. Which of the following is most essential for learning?
a)      Good percentage child relationship
b)      High intelligence
c)       Good school
d)      Desire to learn

    13.   Human development is divided into areas such as –
a)      Physical, spiritual, cognitive and social
b)      Physical, cognitive, emotional and social
c)       Emotional, cognitive, spiritual and socio-psychological
d)      Psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical.

     14.   Which of the following is not good for quality learning?
a)      Making notes
b)      Extra reading
c)       Using guide books
d)      Self study

    15.   Development occurs in human being –
a)      Up to the end of adolescences period
b)      Up to the end of childhood
c)       Up to the starting of adulthood
d)      Throughout the life

     16.   For the language development of child it is important to –
a)      Give them opportunities to express their thoughts
b)      Activities should be organized for developing language skills
c)       Give practice to writing, reading, speaking and listening
d)      All of the above

    17.   Learning is –
a)      A change in behavior
b)      The result of experience or practice
c)       Relatively permanent change in behavior
d)      All of the above

    18.   Human development is –
a)      Quantitative
b)      Qualitative
c)       Un-measurable to a certain extent
d)      Both (a) and (b)

     19.  In child development –
a)      Emphasis is on process
b)      Emphasis is on the role of environment and experience
c)       It is study from conception to adolescence
d)      All of the above

     20.   Physical growth and development is called –
a)      Readiness
b)      Maturation
c)       Mobility
d)      Heredity

  • Answers of the above questions are as follows –

1.d 2.c 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.b 10.d 11.a 12.d 13.d 14.c 15.d 16.d 17.d 18.d 19.d 20.b

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Quizzes for CTET Exam Quizzes for CTET Exam Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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