Quizzes for Bank Exams

Traditional Quizzes for Bank Exams

  1.  MFN stands for
a)      Most Favorable Nation
b)      Most Favourite Nation
c)       Most Favoured Nation
d)      Most False Nation

  2.       The ‘Dunkel Draft’ is related nation with –
a)      Kennedy Round
b)      Dillion Round
c)       Uruguay Round
d)      Dunkel Round

 3.       Initially GATT had –
a)      32 member countries
b)      33 member countries
c)       23 member countries
d)      24 member countries

4.       India has approved how many SEZs till Aug, 2008?
a)      500
b)      501
c)       512
d)      513

Bank exam quizzes

Bank Exam Quizzes

5.       IDA (International Development Association) was established on –
a)      Sep 24, 1960
b)      Oct 24, 1960
c)       Nov 24, 1960
d)      Dec 24, 1960

6.       Bretten World Twins consists of –
a)      WTO and IMF
b)      IBRD and IMF
c)       IIBI and IMF
d)      IIBL and IMF

7.       Soft loan window of World Bank is –
a)      IDA
b)      IDO
c)       WTO
d)      IMF

8.       M3 is known as –
a)      Narrow money
b)      Broad money
c)       Deposit money
d)      Cheque money

9.       Out of the following which one is a method to correct deficit in BOP?
a)      Export promotion
b)      Import Substitution
c)       Duty drawbacks or subsidies
d)      All of these

10.   When trade takes place between the residents of the same country, then it’s known as –
a)      International trade
b)      Domestic trade
c)       Regional trade
d)      None of the above

11.   The Base point of international trade is –
a)      Divisional cost
b)      Division of factors
c)       Divisible unit cost
d)      Division of labour

12.   Asian Development Bank was established in –
a)      Dec. 1964
b)      Dec. 1965
c)       Dec. 1966
d)      Dec. 1967

13.   Which one is considered as the year of Great Divide –
a)      1920
b)      1921
c)       1922
d)      1923

14.   The head office of Asian Development Bank is located in –
a)      Washington
b)      Philippines
c)       Hongkong
d)      Vietnam

15.   IFC became an UN specialized agency in –
a)      1954
b)      1955
c)       1956
d)      1957

16.   The contribution from the centre and the state in the scheme of CRM is in the ratio –
a)      75:26
b)      75:27
c)       75:28
d)      75:25

17.   BOT is the difference between –
a)      Visible export and visible import
b)      Invisible export and invisible import
c)       Visible import and visible export
d)      Invisible import and invisible export

18.   BOP consists of –
a)      BOT + BOS
b)      BOT – BOS
c)       Balance of capital account and balance of current account
d)      Balance of current account

19.   Gift etc. made of foreigner is under –
a)      Unrequited payment
b)      Unrequited transfer
c)       Transfer payment
d)       Both (a) and (c)

20.   Equilibrium in BOP is maintained through –
a)      Double entry system
b)      Multiple entry system
c)       Triple entry system
d)      Multi counting system

21.   Which one is a symptom of Industrial sickness?
a)      Production cost is low
b)      Liquidity position is bad
c)       Sales volume falls
d)      Profitability falls

22.   The member countries of GATT in 1994 were –
a)      124
b)      125
c)       126
d)      128

23.   The oldest theory of international trade is –
a)      Ricardo’s theory
b)      Adam Smith’s theory
c)       H-O theory
d)      None of these

24.   GATT was merged with WTO on –
a)      Jan 1, 1995
b)      Jan 2, 1995
c)       Jan 3, 1995
d)      Jan 4, 1995

25.   GATT was an agreement on –
a)      International trade
b)      Multilateral trade
c)       Domestic trade
d)      Both (a) and (b)

  • Answers of the above questions are as follows:-

     1.C  2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. A 21. D 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. B .

 Thank you ....

Quizzes for Bank Exams Quizzes for Bank Exams Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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