Mauryan Dynasty

Mauryan Dynasty:-

In the fourth century B.C., Nanda rulers administered Magadha administration and this tradition was the most impressive realm of the north. A Brahman serve called Chanakya otherwise called Kautilya, prepared a youngster i.e.Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta sorted out his own military and toppled the Nanda ruler Dhana Nand in 322 B.C.

Mauryan Dynasty

In this way, Chandragupta Maurya should be the first ruler and furthermore founder of the Mauryan dynasty. Chandragupta Maurya's mother's name was Mura, and from his mother's name he was called Maurya in Sanskrit which implies the child of Mura, and accordingly, his empire was called Maurya dynasty or empire.

Important Rulers of the Mauryan Dynasty are:-

  1) Chandragupta Maurya (321 – 298 BC):

Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler who overthrew the Nanda dynasty with the help of Acharya Chanakya. Chandragupta Maurya was the father of the Mauryan Dynasty. He has been called Sandrocottus by Greek researchers. 

Chandragupta defeated Seleucus Nikator, the general of Alexander in 304 BC, who later sent Megasthenese the author of the Indica to Chandragupta’s court.
His mother was Mura. She was a Shudra woman in Nanda’s court.

Mudrarakshasa was written by Vishakhadatta and it describes about machanisation of Chanakya against Chandragupta’s enemy. Chandragupta maintained six wings of armed forces.

He embraced Jainism and went to Sravanabelgola with Bhadrabahu.

  2) Bindusara (298 – 273 BC):

Chandragupta maurya ruled around 25 years, after him, he gave his throne to his son Bindusara. Bindusara was called “Amitraghat” by Greek writers. Amitraghat means slayer of foes. In his time, Greek ambassador, Deimachos visited his court.

Bindusara vanquished 16 states involving 'the land between the two oceans' as affirmed by Taranatha, the Tibetan priest. As indicated by Sangam Literature Maurya attacked up to far south. 

In this way it tends to be said that during the standard of Bindusara, the Mauryan administration stretched out similar to Mysore and hence included nearly the entire India however barred a little segment of unexplored preliminary and forested districts close Kalinga (Odisha).

Bindusara appointed his eldest son Sumanta as his Viceroy at Taxila and Ashoka at Ujjain.

  3) Ashoka (268 – 232 BC):

For the initial eight years Ashoka administered like a savage lord and looked after control. He was called “Devanamapriya” which means Dear to Gods.

Ashoka was the first king to maintain direct contact with people through inscriptions. The languages are used on inscriptions are- Brahmi script deciphered by James Princep in AD 1837. Apart from this Aramaic and Kharoshthi and Greek was used. Sanchi Stupa was built by Ashoka. 

In 261 BC Kalinga War was happened in his time. The debacle in Kalinga was incomparable: with around 300,000 losses, the city crushed and a huge number of enduring men, ladies, and youngsters expelled.
Another most significant impact of the Kalinga war was that Asoka grasped Buddhism influenced by Buddhist priest, Upagupta.

While he kept up an enormous and ground-breaking armed force to keep up harmony and authority, Ashoka extended cordial relations with states across Asia and Europe, and supported Buddhist missions.

The last Mauryan king was Brihadratha. He was killed by Pushyamitra Sunga in 185 BC, who established the Sunga Dynasty.

Mauryan Dynasty Mauryan Dynasty Reviewed by Exam Canvas on May 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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