List of Viceroys of India (1858 to 1947)

 List of Viceroys of India (1858 to 1947)

Viceroys of India from 1858 to 1947:-

Viceroys of India


Viceroys of India

Achievement and Major events


Lord Canning

·         The last Governor General of British India and the first Viceroy of India.


·         Revolt of 1857.


·         Withdrew of Doctrine of Lapse.


·         The Indian High Court was enacted in 1861.


·         Income Tax was first introduced in 1858.


·         The Indigo riots in Bengal.



Lord Elgin - I

·         Wahabi Movement (Pan-Islamic Movement).



Lord Lawrence

·         Bhutan War in 1865.


·         Created the Indian Forest Department.


·         Telegraphic communication was opened with Europe.



Lord Mayo

·         Introduced Financial Decentralization between centre and state introduced for the first time in 1870.


·         First Census in 1872.


·         Introduced State Railways.


·         Mayo College for the royal elite was established.


·         Lord Mayo was the only Governor-General who was killed in India. He was killed by Sher Ali Afridi in Port Blair in Andamans in 1872.


·         Establishment of Statistical Survey of India.



Lord Northbrook

·         Inter caste Marriage was allowed.


·         Kuka Movement in Punjab.



Lord Lytton

·         Most unpopular Viceroy.


·         Vernacular Press Act, 1878.


·         Arms Act, 1878.


·         Passed the Royal Title Act in 1876 and Queen Victoria was declared as the Kaiser-e-Hind.


·         Ignored severe famine and organized durbar. Proclaimed Queen Victoria “The Empress of India”.


·         Abolished tax on cotton for British traders.


·         Maximum age to take up civil services exam lowered from 21 to 19 in 1878-79.



Lord Ripon

·         Repealed the controversial Arms Act and Vernacular Press Act in 1882.


·         Set up Local self-governments – Panchayats and Municipal Boards.


·         Two new universities was opened – Punjab University 1884, Allahabad University 1887.


·         Appointed Hunter Commission for education reforms in 1882.


·         Resolution of Land Revenue Policy.



Lord Dufferin

·         Third Burmese War in 1885.


·         Establishment of the Indian National Congress in 1885.



Lord Lansdowne

·         The Factory Act of 1891.


·         Indian Councils Act, 1892 (Indirect election was introduced for first time).



Lord Elgin- II

·         Santhal Uprising of 1899.


·         Great famine of 1896-97.


·         Lyll Commission was appointed after famine.


·         Assassination of two British officials by the Chapekar brothers in 1897.


1899 -1905               

Lord Curzon

·         Indian Universities act was introduced in 1904 – to control Indian Universities.


·         Raleigh Commission.


·         Partition of Bengal took place in 1905.


·         Curzon-Kitchener controversy.



Lord Minto -II

·         Swadeshi Movement.


·         Newspapers Act 1908.


·         Morley-Minto Reforms in 1909.


·         Foundation of the Muslim League in 1906.


1910 -1916

Lord Hardinge- II

·         Transfer of Capital from Calcutta to Delhi.


·         Hindu Mahasabha was established by Madan Mohan Malaviya in 1915.



Lord Chelmsford

·         Home Rule League Movements launched by Tilak and Annie Besant.


·         Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919.


·         Montague – Chelmsford reform was passed.


·         Lucknow Pact in 1916 between Congress and Muslim league.


·         Government of India Act in 1919.


·         Champaran Satyagraha in 1916 by Mahatma Gandhi.


·         Kheda Satyagraha in 1918.


·         Massacre at Jalianwala Bagh in 1919.


·         Khilafat Movement.


·         Non-Cooperation Movement.



Lord Reading

·         Swaraj Party was formed.


·         Kakori robbery in 1925.


·         Chauri – Chaura incident took place.


1926 -1931

Lord Irwin

·         Simon Commission was announced in 1927.


·         Butler Commission in 1927.


·         Nehru Report, 1928.


·         All India Youth Congress, 1928.


·         Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930.


·         Dandi March in 12th March in 1930.


·         First Round table conference in 1930.


·         Gandhi-Irwin Pact in 1931.




Lord Willingdon

·         Second and Third Round Table Conference.


·         Government of India Act, 1935.


·         Announcement of Communal Award in 1932.


·         In 1935, Burma separated from India.


1936 -1943

Lord Linlithgow

·         First General Election was held in 1936-37.


·         Lahore Resolution in 1940.


·         Cripps Mission in 1942.


·         Quit India Movement, 1942.



Lord Wavell

·         C.R.Formula 1944.


·         Wavell Plan and Shimla Conference in 1945.


·         End of Second World War, 1945.


·         Cabinet Mission, 1946.


·         Launch of Direct Action Day on 1946.


March 1947 – August 1947

Lord Mountbatten

·         June Third Plan was announced in 3rd June 1947.


·         Introduction of Indian Independence Bill in the House of Commons.


·         First governor-general of free India.



C.Raja Gopalachari

The Last Governor General of free India.


The only Indian Governor General remained in office from 21st June, 1948 to 25th January, 1950.


 Thank you and Best of Luck.

List of Viceroys of India (1858 to 1947) List of Viceroys of India (1858 to 1947) Reviewed by Exam Canvas on October 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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