List of Governor-Generals of British India or India (1772 - 1857)

 List of Governor-Generals of British India or India (1772 - 1857):

List of Governor-Generals of British India or India (1772 - 1857)


Governor- Generals of Bengal/ Governor-Generals of British India

Major Events and Reforms


Warren Hastings

·         He was the First Governor of Bengal


·         End to the dual system of administration


·         Established Supreme court at Calcutta


·         Asiatic Society of Bengal


·         First Anglo-Maratha War and Treaty of Salbai


·         First English translation of Bhagavad Gita.


·         Pitt’s India Act-1784.



Lord Cornwallis

·         Introduction of Permanent Settlement and civil services.


·         Third Anglo-Mysore War and Treaty of Seringapatam.


·         Establishment of Appellate courts.


·         Establishment of Sanskrit college.



Sir John Shore

·         1st Charter act in 1793.


·         Battle of Kharda.



Lord Wellesley

·         Started Subsidiary Alliance System to achieve British paramountcy in India.


·         Fourth Anglo- Mysore war in 1799 and the Treaty of Bassein in 1802.


·         Second Anglo – Maratha war in (1803-05).


·         Establishment of Madras presidency.


·         Establishing Fort William College at Calcutta.



Sir George Barlow

·         The Mutiny of Vellore took place in 1806.



Lord Minto- I

·         Concluded the treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit Singh in 1809.


·         Introduced the Charter Act of 1813.



Lord Hastings

·         The policy of Non-intervention came to an end.


·         third Anglo-Maratha war in 1817 to 1818.


·         Anglo- Napelese War (1813-23).


·         Abolition of Peshwaship.


·         Establishment of the Ryotwari System in Madras (By Thomas Munroe) and Bombay.


·         Introduced Mahalwari system in north-western Provinces and Bombay.



Lord Amherst

·         The mutiny of Barrackpore in 1824.


·         First Burmese War (1823-26).


·         Captured of Bharatpur in 1826.


·         Acquisition of territories in Malay Peninsula.



Governor-Generals of India:-


Governor-Generals of India

Major Events and Reforms


Lord William Bentinck

·         First Governor-General of India (Charter Act of 1833 made Governor-General of Bengal as Governor-General of India.)


·         Abolition of Sati and other cruel rites in 1829.


·         Suppression of Thugee in 1830.


·         English Education Act of 1835.


·         Establishment of Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata.


·         Wars:- Annexed Mysore in 1831, Coorg in 1834, Central Cachar in 1834 on the plea of misgovernment. Concluded with a treaty of perpetual friendship with Ranjit Singh.



Lord Charles Metcalfe

·         Liberator of the Indian press.


·         Passed the famous Press Law which liberated the Press in India.



Lord Auckland

·         Dedicated himself to the improvement of native schools and the expansion of the commercial industry of India.


·         The first Anglo-Afghan war in 1836 to 1842.



Lord Ellenborough

·         Sindh was annexed in 1843.


·         War with Gwalior in 1843.



Lord Hardinge - I

·         First Anglo Sikh War (1845-46) and Treaty of Lahore in 1846.


·         Preference given to English education in employment.



Lord Dalhousie

·         Introduced ‘Doctrine of Lapse‘.


·         Abolition of Title and Pensions.


·         Charles Wood Dispatch in 1854.


·         Post Office Act, 1854.


·         1st Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane in 1853.


·         Established engineering college in Roorkee.


·         Second Anglo-Sikh War.


·         Second Burmese war (1852) and annexed of Lower Burma in Pegu.


·         Raised Gurkha regiments.


·         Started First telegraph electric line.


·         Establishment of the Public Works Department.


·         Started Competitive examination for Indian Civil Services.


·         Widow Remarriage Act (1856).



Lord Canning

·         The last Governor General of India and the First Viceroy of India.


·         Passed the Act of 1858, which ended the rule of the East India Company.


·         Doctrine of Lapse was withdrawn.


·         Income tax was first introduced in 1858.


·         Three universities at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1857 were established.


·         Revolt of 1857 took place.


Note – After 1857 Revolt, Governor-General of India was became the Viceroy of British India and Canning became the first Viceroy of India or British India.


 Thank you and best of luck.


List of Governor-Generals of British India or India (1772 - 1857) List of Governor-Generals of British India or India (1772 - 1857) Reviewed by Exam Canvas on October 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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