Nuclear Reactor | Definition, Components and Uses

Nuclear Reactor or Atomic Pile

What is Nuclear Reactor?

Nuclear reactor is an arrangement in which controlled nuclear fission reaction takes place. First Nuclear reactor was established in Chicago University under the supervision of Prof. Fermi.

Nuclear Reactor

Components of Nuclear Reactor:-

Components of Nuclear Reactor are as follows –

a)      Fissionable Fuel:   U235 or U239.

b)      Moderator:  Moderator decreases the energy for fission reaction by slow neutrons. Heavy water and graphite are used as a moderator.

c)       Control rod:  Rods of Cadmium or Boron are used to absorb the excess neutrons produced in fission of uranium nucleus so that the chain reaction continues to be controlled.

d)      Coolant:  A large amount of heat is produced during fission. The coolant absorbs that heat and prevents excessive rise in the temperature. The coolant may be water, heavy water or gas like He or Co2.

Use of Nuclear Reactor:-

a)      To generate electrical energy from heat energy developed from fission.

b)      To produce different isotopes like CO60 and other Radio isotopes used in Medical Hospitals and also in agriculture for insecticides and mutation process in Plants and seeds.



Nuclear Reactor | Definition, Components and Uses Nuclear Reactor | Definition, Components and Uses Reviewed by Exam Canvas on October 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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