What is CALL | Advantages and Principles of CALL

 What is CALL ?

Ans.  CALL stands for Computer assisted language learning. It is an approach to teaching in which the computer and computer based resources such as the internal are used to present reinforce and assess material to be learned.

It usually includes a substantial interactive element. It also includes the search for and the investigation of applications in language teaching and learning.

Except for self-study software, CALL is meant to supplement face to face language instruction, without replacing it.

Computers can do some of the work of the teacher and provide great assistance to the teacher even without the presence of the teacher (Pennington and Steven 1992).

New technologies have seen computers become smaller, faster and easier for the teacher to use (Evy 1997). At present we designed CALL software readily available to the teacher. The computer provides a meaning focused communicative learning, which serves the purposes of communicative language teaching.

Point out the advantages of CALL

Ans.  The advantages of CALL are the following:-

         I.  CALL programmers can provide students interesting ways to learn English. The classes of CALL are interesting and motivational.

        II.  CALL allows learners to have non sequential learning habits. They can decide on their own which skills to develop and which course to use.

       III.  Computer can provide an exciting ‘fast’ drill for one student and ‘slow’ for another.

       IV.  The time flexibility of using computer enables students to choose appropriate timing for learning.

What are the Principles of using and designing CALL programmes in language learning and teaching ?

Ans.  CALL programmes should be used and designed on the basis of the following principles :-

a) Principle of Appropriateness: While choosing CALL software it should be kept in mind that we should choose the appropriate Call software for the learners, such as age, need and interest is important.

b) Principle of Purposefulness: Use CALL to serve educational purposes. Teachers should not jump in the bandwagon just because other people do.

c) Principle of preference: It is wrong to expect that all students in class would enjoy working on the computer. A lot of students prefer human interaction than with computer. Teacher should provide alternative activities for those students according to their individual preference.

d) Principle of Integration: ESL teacher should try to integrate CALL with other subjects or disciplines in the curriculum.

e) Principle of Interaction: Most of the students are curious in nature so program should be designed in a way so that students can carry on minimum level of interaction with the computer to satisfy their inquisitiveness.

f) Principle of Following Up: Using CALL is not the end in itself. Follow up activities such as group discussion, writing assignments, searching for more data from other learning sources e.g. interviews and survey are also important.

g) Principle of Inclusiveness: CALL is considered one of many learning resources. Teachers should try to incorporate other learning resources and materials such as books magazines, videos, audio tape etc. with their teaching.

h) Principle of individual difference: Teachers must be patient and willing to held the slow learners as per their individual difference.


 Thank you .

What is CALL | Advantages and Principles of CALL What is CALL | Advantages and Principles of CALL Reviewed by Exam Canvas on January 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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