GK: English- One Word Substitutes

One Word Substitutes

One Word Substitutes

  • Abdicate :  To give up a position of power formally.
  • Aborigines :  People who live in a country from the very beginning.
  • Academia :  The World of scholars.
  • Acrimoniously :  With sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper.
  • Acronym :  A word formed from initial letters of several words.
  • Administratrix : Female administrator.
  • Admonition :  A firm warning or counselling.
  • Agoraphobia :  Extreme fear of open spaces.
  • Alliteration :  Repetition of sounds.
  • Amnesty :  Political pardon.
  • Amorphous :  A shapeless thing.
  • Anthology :  A collection of literary pieces.
  • Antidote :  A medicine to counteract poisons.
  • Antipodes :  Places diametrically opposite to each other on the earth.
  • Aphorism :  A short wise saying.
  • Apostate :  A person who renounces his faith.
  • Arbiter :  A person chosen by two opposing parties to settle a matter of dispute.
  • Arboreal :  Relating to plants, trees, etc.
  • Arboriculture :  Cultivation of trees and shrubs.
  • Archive :  A place where historical documents are kept.
  • Armistic :  An agreement to stop fighting.
  • Arsonist :  One who sets fire to property for an improper purpose.
  • Astronomer :  A person who is skilled in the science of heavenly bodies.
  • Atrophied :  Diminished in size or strength as a result of injury or disease.
  • Authoritarian :  A person who believe in complete allegiance to authority.
  • Aviary :  A place or cage where birds are kept.
One Word Substitutes

  • Betrothed :  Engaged for marriage.
  • Bibulous :  Addicted to alcoholic drinks.
  • Biennial :  Occurring every two years.
  • Bigot :  One who has narrow and prejudiced religious belief.
  • Blaspheny :  Irreverence towards gods.
  • Braggart :  A person who proudly talks a lot about himself.
  • Bravado :  A foolish show of bravery.
  • Broadside :  Vigorous verbal attack.
  • Buffer state :  A neutral state between the big rival states.

  • Cacography :  Improper spelling or writing.
  • Canard :  An unfounded rumour.
  • Cannibal :  A person who eats human beings.
  • Caucus :  A group within a larger organisation.
  • Charlantanry :  Pretence of skill.
  • Chauvinism :  Exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.
  • Chicanery :  Use of tricks to deceive someone.
  • Chiropody :  Treatment of the feet.
  • Chronology :  Calender of events.
  • Claque :  People hired to applaud.
  • Claustrophobia :  Fear from closed spaces.
  • Cliche :  A hackneyed phrase or opinion.
  • Codicil :  An additional provision.
  • Cognate :  Related by birth.
  • Compatriots :  man coming from one's own country.
  • Congregation :  A gathering for worship, prayer.
  • Conscription :  Compulsive recruitment in army.
  • Convalescent :  One who is recovering from illness.
  • Cosmology :  Study of heavenly bodies.
  • Credulous :  A person who believes in everything.
  • Cynosure :  Centre of attraction.

  • Demure :  Modest.
  • Dereliction :  Forsaking responsibilities.
  • Despot :  An oppressive and cruel ruler.
  • Dilettante :  An admirer of fine arts.
  • Diminutive :  Unusually small.
  • Dirge :  A song that is sung at the time of one's death.
  • Diurnal :  Relating to or occurring in a 24 hour period or daily.
  • Domicile :  A place where one lives permanently.
  • Dunce :  One who is slow at learning.

GK: English- One Word Substitutes GK: English- One Word Substitutes Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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