Ancient History: Indus Valley Civilization

Indus Valley Civilization

Ancient History
The life of the Indus Valley Civilization:-

Indus Valley Civilization was one of the earliest and important civilizations of the world. According to radiocarbon dating, Indus valley Civilization can be dated between 2500-1750 BC. Indus valley Civilization was first identified in 1921 at Harappa in Punjab Region near the Indus river in the Sindh ( Sind ) region. Indus Valley Civilization was excavated by archaeologist Daya Ram Sahni in 1921 to 1923. The Indus Civilization is named after it as the Harappan Civilization.

Indus vally civilization
Indus Valley Seals

Indus Valley Civilization was based on systematic town planning. And it was based on grid system, burnt bricks. Burnt bricks were used to construct houses. There was well managed drainage system. There was fortified Citadel. There was absence of iron implements.

There was Great Bath of Mohenjodaro. This was used for religious bathing. Also there were changing rooms besides the Great bath.

In Harappa, there was found Six granaries in a row in the Citadel. There towns were divided into two parts. One is Upper part that is called Citadel and the other is Lower Part. Harappans were ruled by a class of merchants. There was no evidence of any weapons.

Indus people sowed seeds in the month of November and they reaped their harvest in the month of April because there was the danger of flood. They produced wheat, barley, rai, peas, rice, mustard, seasum etc.

The first cotton was produced by Indus people. There were many animals like oxen, sheep, buffalos, goats, pigs, elephants, dogs, cats, asses, camels etc.

Trade system was well established. There was external and also internal trade. Barter system was there in trade.

Indus valley people were not aware of the iron elements. The Indus people used weights and measures in the multiples of 16.
Stone dancing Natraja and Cemetry-37 have been found in the Indus Valley Civilization site.

Harappans worshiped many Goddess. Among them Earth as fertility Goddess and phallic and yoni worship was prevalent. Unicorn was the most worshipped animal. Many trees , animals , birds and stones too were worshipped. There was no evidence of temple found.

Indus Valley Civilization
Map Of Indus Valley Civilization

There dead bodies were placed in North- South direction. There were the seal of Pashupati that depicts elephant, tiger, rhinoceros and buffalo. There were two deers appear at the feet of the Pashupati.

Indus people also believed in ghosts and evil forces. The greatest artistic creation of Harappan culture was the seals. The Seals was made of steatite Harappan Script is pictographic. But it has not been deciphered yet. The script was written from right to left order in the first line and then left to right in the second line and so on. This writing style was called Boustrophedon.

Spinning, Weaving, boat making, goldsmiths, making pottery and also seal making these are the occupations were practiced in the Indus Valley Civilization.

The causes of the decline of the Indus valley civilization was may be invasion of the Aryans, or recurrent floods or may be social breakup of Harappans or may be earthquakes etc.

So this is all about Indus Valley Civilization.
Ancient History: Indus Valley Civilization Ancient History: Indus Valley Civilization Reviewed by Exam Canvas on April 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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